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25 sponsored developers and organizations loaded.
Hey, I'm a developer providing tools for the open-source community!
Karate is an open-core test automation framework for APIs. We have close to 6000 GitHub stars and it is used by dozens of F500 companies.
Author of @gomplate, a popular tool for templating. Also author of a few smaller libraries and tools, mostly written in Go.
Public Speaker, OSS Developer, Creator of @AkkaDotNet and @ProtoActor. All things Scale. C#, Kotlin and Golang.
I am a Senior Creative Developer from La Rochelle, CEO at Studio MOTIO. I love Open Source, UI/UX design, motion, graphics and mapping. Available for freelance work.
The Odoo Community Association, or OCA, is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote the widespread use of Odoo and to support the collaborative development of Odoo features.
The OpenMV project is about creating low-cost, extensible, Python powered, machine vision modules and aims at becoming the “Arduino of Machine Vision“. Our goal is to bring machine vision algorithms closer to makers and hobbyists.
I've been an Open Source hacker for the last 20 years and work on many Python-related projects.
We're a small team of developers building awesome applications in Elixir.
Composer, the PHP dependency manager, and Packagist, the public open-source package repository for Composer are looking for your support through a sponsorship!
Keep the OpenBenches website alive. You sponsorship pays for hosting, services, development, and bug fixing.
I'm the maintainer of StatiCrypt, securing static HTML pages. Donations are a way of saying thanks and boosting my motivation to maintain and expand the project - click to see how they'll be used. Thank you! ❤️
TurboVNC is an open source high-speed secure-by-default VNC implementation that enables on-demand remote desktop access, with workstation-like levels of performance, to Linux and Unix hosts.
"Techno Tim" - creating free and open source code, blogs, and video content.
Support me if you want more features for the AcidicJob gem and/or for me to provide more resources for Ruby on Rails developers to learn how to build strongly resilient applications that depend on and sync with external systems.
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